Life transitions like empty nest and retirement provide ample opportunities for people who have a goal to engage in new activities and meet new people in similar life phases. This advice given to job seekers in 2009 applies to anyone facing a new season of life.

 As I speak about MOMENTS around Atlanta, I am amazed at the number of people who have never thought about the missed opportunity. Not the “I could have bought Microsoft for $5 per share in the eighties, boy I would be rich now” opportunity, but the one you NEVER even knew about.

Think of the job seeker who followed all of the advice given in job workshops, on line job boards, and close friends who “went through this before.” They were convinced they had the best resume, cover letter, follow up system and network to reach their job goals. But five months in and they had one interview and no meaningful leads. Their work process was set up to look for work, but not land a job. By changing the wording of their goal, the behavior changed. Each cover letter was reworked, resumes examined, and the message to their network adjusted. All of a sudden they saw opportunities they never seen before and success followed.

I would love to get your feedback on how you prepare yourself for those moments when opportunity is there, and what does it take to be aware of them?


Building Your LEGACY


Moments and Outcomes