Moments and Outcomes

Even though my target audience (you) has changed since 2009, many of the ideas expressed in MOMENTS applies to my work with individuals seeking to plan a fulfilling empty nest or retirement phase. Feel free to leave comments to start a discussion or just express yourself!

All we have is our time. The way we distribute it is our “strategic plan,” our “vision,” our “values.” –Tom Peters

Maximizing Your MOMENTS™ is about being prepared for the next opportunity so you can take advantage of the moment to achieve your goals.  Today I want to outline the 7 segments of MOMENTS and begin our journey to learn how each of the seven segments can help you become more aware of when those moments are coming.  Let us know what you think and help each other Maximize MOMENTS.

 Message – In order to take advantage of opportunity when it presents itself, you must be consistent with your message to your target.  If you are not staying on message, your audience may not know what you can do to add value.

 Outcome – No ship ever missed the dock because they moved the dock.  Defining your goal using SMART principles will enable you to know if you are on track to achieving your desired result.  This sense of direction is critical to be able to see the right opportunity when it arrives, and knowing where you are going will allow you to respond with the appropriate amount of resources to be effective.

 Market – Most of us cannot be all things to all people.  Defining your market goes hand in hand with defining your message.  Know who you can add the most value to with your product or service and that will keep your focus on maximizing the return on your investment.

 Engagement – Are your customers willing to pay more for your product or service because the level of trust you have built with them?  Are your employees willing to do more because they believe in the vision or mission of your organization?  This level of engagement will create value for everyone in your value chain,

 Network – Are you following the principle of “Give First” to your network?  That is a key to increasing your preparedness for the next opportunity.  As you create opportunity for others, it will look and feel familiar when they come back to you.

 Technology – Information is available to everyone at the click of the mouse.  How well you manage both the incoming and outgoing information will be critical to your success in adding value.

 System – You must have a system that is repeatable, reliable and relentless.  That is how you will be prepared at a moments notice to stay ahead of the competition and exceed your customer expectations.




Maximize Your Moments