Maximize Your Moments

My first blog post was in June 2009. I was speaking to job seekers throughout Atlanta helping them plan their job search. 14 years later, I am launching Reflections from Outside the Hairball. The content has aged well, as have I! I will share my thoughts about my personal legacy and what I am doing to leave a positive impact on my family and community. Please engage in conversation, we all learn through story telling and curiosity.

Moment:  The smallest portion of time; an instant

 Time is the fairest of all resources.  We each get the same amount every day.  When we create our task list, most of us tend to think in terms of hours or days.  When we work on goals, we measure them by days, weeks, or years.  Our “Bucket Lists” are designed to last a lifetime!  We all have tools that are designed to manage our time, which is impossible because time doesn’t change, but what we do with it does.

 So we begin to set goals and priorities.  The good ones are measurable in terms of output and time.  So we set 30-60-90 day goals that we prioritize our daily tasks against. We create reports for others to see to create accountability for the results.  We reset goals mid-year to make adjustments for the realities of business conditions (we raised them in the good old days).

 This blog is for that place in the time continuum where everything happens.  We all have moments we remember, in fact, they are usually the ones we talk about.  It is the look on someone’s face when they realize they succeeded or failed.  It is that feeling in your gut when you realize you won or lost.  It is the first time you see your newborn baby or when you say “I do”.

 I am passionate about helping people be aware of the “opportunity moments” that arise every day.  The best way to take advantage of those opportunities is to have a process in place to be prepared when they present themselves.  Maximize Your MOMENTS!


Moments and Outcomes