Bike Bells

While on an extended weekend trip to Destin, FL last week, my wife and I rode bikes with our friends along the bike paths on the main road running alongside the beach. Great exercise and fellowship with our friends, but also a moment of clarity for me about communication.

The bike bell allows us to communicate with others without having to take our eyes off the road or our hands off the handlebars. It is a simple and effective way to avoid accidents and create a safer cycling environment for everyone. Almost all the bikes on the path had a bell, but very few were ever used. It became apparent that the people on the path could not hear the bell because almost all of them were wearing headphones.

Was their choice one of convenience over safety? When presented with that choice, how many of us would choose convenience? How many of us are walking through life with bells when the people we are trying to communicate with are wearing figurative headphones? Are you choosing to be distracted at the expense of some valuable communication?

Communication in the modern world is complex. We have a wide range of tools and platforms at our disposal, from emails and text messages to social media and video conferencing. This gives us the ability to communicate with people all over the world, instantly. But this complexity also comes with its own challenges. It can be difficult to keep up with the constant stream of notifications and messages. We can easily become distracted and lose focus. It can be difficult to communicate effectively in a way that is both clear and concise.

The bike bell is also a reminder that it is possible to communicate effectively and clearly without using a lot of words. We don't need to write long emails or essays to communicate our thoughts and ideas. Sometimes, a simple gesture or a few words are all we need. It is a symbol of a simpler time, and it is a reminder of the importance of simplicity and focus in our lives.

By simplifying your communication and reducing distractions, you can improve your productivity, reduce stress, and build stronger relationships.


A Year of Reflection: Building My Legacy Beyond the Traditional Workforce


Building Your LEGACY