A Year of Reflection: Building My Legacy Beyond the Traditional Workforce

As I stand at the one-year mark of my decision to step away from the traditional workforce, I find myself immersed in a sea of emotions – a mixture of relief, contentment, and a touch of nostalgia. The past twelve months have been a transformative journey, one that has allowed me to rediscover myself, redefine my priorities, and embrace a life filled with newfound freedom and purpose.

Prior to my departure, I had spent my adult life immersed in the whirlwind of corporate life. The demands of my job were all-consuming, leaving little time for personal pursuits or meaningful connections. The decision to leave the workforce was not on my timetable but was part of the plan my wife and I had put in place a few years earlier. It was a leap of faith, a venture into the unknown. The financial implications were a concern, and the fear of societal judgment lingered in the back of my mind. However, the desire for a more fulfilling and balanced life outweighed any apprehensions.

Prior to my departure, I had already started work on a master’s degree in Christian counseling at Liberty University. The newfound flexibility allowed me to rediscover the joys of simple pleasures. I reveled in leisurely walks in nature, savored the taste of home-cooked meals, and cherished moments of quality time with loved ones. I was able to focus full-time on my degree and finish 6 months earlier than anticipated. The absence of work-related stress brought about a sense of calm and serenity that I had almost forgotten.

Beyond personal fulfillment, my decision to leave the workforce has also opened doors to new opportunities for community engagement and social impact. I have volunteered my time to local organizations, supporting causes close to my heart and making a positive difference in the lives of others. I have been active in multiple pickleball communities which has expanded my social network and improved my health. The sense of purpose and connection I derive from these endeavors is truly enriching.

I have invested much of my time in learning more about the empty nest and retirement transitions. Combined with my degree, this learning has allowed me to create a website full of resources for people wanting to live life to the fullest before, during, and after these life changes. There is a need for intentionality when navigating life transitions. My intention is to offer workbooks, classes, and personal coaching to the growing community of baby boomers and Gen X adults looking to customize their planning experience. You can find those resources at www.undothehairball.com.

As I reflect on the past year, I am grateful for my wife Sue’s unrelenting faith in my journey and process. God has blessed me with the gifts to help others and this season of life gives me the opportunity to build a legacy of love and service to others that my friends and family will be proud of for years to come.

The decision to step away from the traditional workforce has been a transformative experience, one that has allowed me to rediscover myself and embrace a life filled with newfound purpose and fulfillment. As I embark on the next chapter of this journey, I am filled with excitement and anticipation for the possibilities that lie ahead.


Take a leap of faith


Bike Bells